Thursday, July 10, 2008

Well, 60 days have passed and still no word on the Moby Threadless comp. Those guys need to get their heads out of their arses and judge that contest.

Anyways, aside from contest delays and metaphysical turmoil, freelancing has been significantly nice to me. So nice in fact a new toy showed up at my front door compliments of Fed-Ex. This bad boy smokes my main workstation tower at home and it fits in an incase backpack designed for 17" MacBook Pros.

I can say beyond the shadow of doubt that this operating system and the build is far superior to a windows based machine. In fact, new intel core based macs come with a program named Boot Camp. Basically it's a utility in macs that allows you to install a Windows OS and run them side by side. But guess what? As I was doing the basic updates for windows, I aquired a really pesky virus that opened the explorer window all by itself and takes me to this debt site. Only on a Windows right?

Pretty much.....

I'm not going to go into some pissing match about Windows VS. Macs though. I've used Windows much of time as a digital artist and there are still programs that are not too Mac friendly which is why I installed a windows OS. But all I can tell you is that Windows should be taking some serious notes.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Thanks to a couple of forum buddies for pointing this out. Clearly I could've used the blue from his eyes to make our planet a little more appealing to look at. It's funny to, when I was making this I thought to myself "there's something just not right about the way that planet's looking. *Smacks obvious details in the face*

Last night in the dark - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

I think it makes things a bit tighter.... aye?

Thanks to everyone for their generous votes and stay tuned in for the next t-shirt design already in progress the involves a play on words......

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ooops.... sorry for being hasty. For those who took the time to go to the Threadless site to judge my t-shirt design for The Moby Threadless comp and couldn't; It's pending approval which may take up to 4 days. (yuk!) So I'll update the ol' blogger when the darn design is sitting pretty next to the other fine artists which you should check out as well. Some really great entries in this one.

EDIT- The entry is now up and running. I received some cool feedback which is always encouraging. I even got a shot out from my aunt Mike.... Yes I have an aunt Mike. :O

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I just submitted my first T-shirt design over at Threadless. I'm happy with it. Although I wish that I knew ahead of time that there was a limit of 8 colors. I spent about 4 hours on the whole thing and ended up with a color cast of 25. I narrowed it down to 6 and think I acheived the same result that I wanted.

Here's the 25 (err 27) color version

For the final 6 color version click on the little thumbnail and give me a 5 will ya?

Last night in the dark - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Friday, April 25, 2008

Our record is now on itunes. Show a brotha some love and buy a track or two. From what I hear the whole record is neat. Some remixes are in the process as well. Get ready for the maxy single!


Monday, April 21, 2008

On the subject on copyright infringement, another group of tools with no imagination just ripped off a handful of illustrators by plagerizing their work then releasing the book online for 100.00. There are 350 beautiful illustrations that these tools mocked up because the files are extremely low res making the artists that worked on them look bad which is even worse.

Pass the word along to make sure these guys get their balls placed in a slingshot to be hurled 200 MPH into a brick wall. You know.... as to not make little baby plagerizers.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Say "NO!" to the Orphan Works Act

This just chaps my ass. Another way for companies to control the creativity of the individual by undersigning every artist to a corporate copyright industry instead of having a means to copyright it soly.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Something unexpected happened to me (I should say us) in the past few months.

Let me first start off by saying that I've been working on some music during the past 2 years with some very close friends of mine from LA. It's a mix of electronic drum and bass, ambient meditative themes and indie rock. Texturally it's far more descriptive so I apologize for the generic labeling. My buddy Reggie came up with the group's name.. chess. <--- Link coming soon....

Another friend and writing partner from LA actually put together a record release party for us that's being held at Corey Helford's art gallery. He's also celebrating the kickoff of the record label he started for the project called Alien Soup Kitchen the same night. We are all very stoked about this. I mean we're talking music industry people, security, open bar to 200 people :huh: This quite possibly could be a door of vast opportunity for us. I literally fly out to LA in about 7 hours to party it up Saturday night.

I'm very grateful for this blossoming on its own because word of mouth is what made this happen aside from everyone's 110% effort that was envolved. It's my best writing and programming to date.

Wish me luck and safe travels....

Friday, January 25, 2008

Revamped and ready for action!

Farawaynearby Animation is now it its version 2 state with a plethora of new goodies like drawings, odd experiments, new music and the occasional hidden treat through out.

This is something that I'll be obsessing over for the rest of my artistic stay on this world wide collective conscious experience that we call the internet.

I'm looking for some crits and stuff to improve the site a bit better. The home page is a little empty I know and I'm working on some final sound effects for some of the buttons and doo hickies.

Enjoy your stay!