Well It's that time again.... time for the corporate sham to spin it's wheels faster than it did last year resulting in our ultimate demises financially. I try not to spend much around the holidays, but I always find myself broke come January for the appeasement of others.
Thankfully I found a nice healthy block of time to schedule out for yet another Christmas Flash piece that I've titled "Stand Up Santa".
This is an idea I've had in my head for quite some time. It's basically a stand up comedy show in a cartoon format. The age group would definitely be Adult Swim and up and will deepen in it's growth when im finished with the first couple of skits.
But for now, please allow me to show you the progress of the gag thus far.
Santa's all separated out in preparation to become animatiated.

Modeled in 3dsmax 8 and very crudely may I add. Not liking the door but I'm sure to go back in and fix it.

This is how I'd like the final color composite to be. These are just tests to get the environment in mind.